
Two weeks in Melaque and two to go. We are loving it! Reading all the time, walking into town for a fish dinner, exploring the country. Yesterday we took a field trip to the itty bitty town of Tenacatita, lovely. A muy bonita barre with Tenacatita Bay on one side and open Pacific on the other. A beach made up of chunky bits of coral. The reef is almost up to the shore, filled with interesting fish and dark coral. We met winter campers from Colorado, Seattle and Canada. The most interesting people with their converted school bus, a custom bumper with, of all things, a commercial pizza oven strapped to the back... Turns out they spend every winter along the coast of Michoacan, they befriended a widow and her disabled son who both bake to make ends meet and they were bringing the oven down as a gift for her. Most campers here hire a team from the little town to rebuild the big palapas, often large enough to park their vehicle under, dig a toilet, and basically set up camp for six months. The folks from BC have been camping here for 30 years, they had to hack the road every year with machetes when they first started. We feel like we are just starting to explore, more adventures to come!
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