Las Vegas

Oh boy! Now we are in Vegas, what a town, everything is shiny and new, you can sure see how how 4% of the worlds population uses 25% of the worlds resources... Excess is the norm.
Staying with D's sister Jesse and her partner Pete, super cool people in an 1950's neighborhood in the heart of town, everybody knows every body, parties and swimming everyday, one house or another, something is always going on here. It has been hot, 100+ every day but it's a dry heat... We are going to Lake Meade to rent a boat on Sunday, then on to Baja... We plan to cross at Mexicali and head down the east side of Baja, to San Fillipe and Puertocito...
so, i read backwards from top to bottom sorta weird time i just noticed on going back to the top of the page that THAT is a fake of the ponte vecchio!!!! geeez
i liked the frosty rita's a the pool AND the stanislus river cool pools...aaahhh cali....
how am i? well....gifted a ticket AND a pass to a camp that will feed me two veggie meals a day and a shower anytime i want...burningman what a life...
there is more but i'm busy making fake fur attire right now....
hope to hear from you before we leave on and love
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